December 6, 2017
What your home inspector won’t or can’t tell you
What your home inspector won’t can’t tell you…
I always recommend getting your purchase inspected. You have a negotiated number of days to do your due diligence during which you can unilaterally cancel or renegotiate your contract based on any concerns uncovered during the due diligence period. An inspector can help keep your potential real estate investment safe! Of course, inspectors are human and not perfect and they may not see everything but they generally know more than you, me, and you brother-in-law who used to be a contractor. Occasionally, it may pay to have a specialty inspector come in and view the property and your home inspector can often tell you when you should have a specialist investigate further. I can help you make these arrangements, including finding an inspector you are comfortable with, and will be with you for all inspections so that when it comes time to address concerns with the seller we will all be on the same page! This is just another reason you deserve to have a friend in the housing business.
#realestate #atlanta #inspectors #homebuyer